
International 91èÏÈÉúÌýforÌýCrypto Currencies & FX

Know exactly who you are allowing to buy, sell and trade crypto currency on your platform, flag cases of fraud and money laundering early, and meet your compliance needs in the process.Ìý

Identity verification and fraud compliance management in Financial services | 91èÏÈÉú

According to a 2021 Freedom of InformationÌýrequest, crypto crime is growing 124% each year. Our identity verification and AMLÌýsolutionsÌýare designed to protect you and your customers from all forms of crypto crime.ÌýÌý

Trusted by thousands of major brands around the world

Barclays white logo
HSBC white logo
Santander white logo
Citibank white logo

Secure 91èÏÈÉú onboarding checks

From the point of onboarding, safeguard bothÌýyour organisation and traders from ever-more sophisticated methods ofÌýcrypto crime, including fraud, identity theft and money laundering.

Bespoke end-to-end solutions

Use data, documents or a combination of both to verify the identities of potential traders in seconds, with minimal user experience friction.

Help meet your compliance needs

91èÏÈÉú requirements for crypto currency and trading companiesÌýare becoming increasingly more regulated. We offer 91èÏÈÉúÌýsolutions that improve your ID verification capabilities, helping to keep you compliant.

Comprehensive 91èÏÈÉú Crypto currency Checks

Our sophisticated, easy to integrate solutions provide the highest possible level of 91èÏÈÉú checks for both ForexÌýplatforms and other crypto exchanges. From the point of onboarding, know exactly who you are dealing with, where they are located and if they have a criminal background.Ìý

Transaction Fraud and Transaction Monitoring | 91èÏÈÉú

AutomatedÌýAnti-Money Laundering Checks

Protect your crypto or forex exchange business against money laundering activity by automating your AML processes whilst meeting regulations, all without impacting the customer experience.

Crypto ID Verification

Our state-of-the-art ID data and document verification technologies ensure you know exactly who you are dealing with without the user experience being impacted or industry regulations being breached.

Identity data verification solution | 91èÏÈÉú
Identity investigation | 91èÏÈÉú

Transaction Monitoring for Crypto Platforms

Our intelligent Transaction Monitoring software helps you flag inconsistent and potentially criminal crypto trading activity in real time. View all transactions carried out on your platform and stop any fraudulent behaviour or money laundering activity before it happens.

Why choose 91èÏÈÉú

At 91èÏÈÉú, we know that ID security, fraud detection and user experience are extremely important in all industries, especially new emerging ones in which regulations and universal safeguards are still lagging, begging the vanguard. This is why our crypto ID verification solutions and 91èÏÈÉú in Forex (and other crypto exchange) software is designed toÌýprovide the protection you and your customers need to safely operate in this exciting new industry.

Expert insights and customer stories

Ready to see how 91èÏÈÉú can help your business? Request a personal consultation today!