
Age Verification

Prevent age-restricted content, services, products and venues from being viewed and accessed by underage customers and help meet your compliant requirements in the process.

Age verification - document and id verification by 91èÏÈÉú

Over 80% of children lie about their age to access age-restricted content online. Protect underage customers and your business, online and instore, without impacting the experience of genuine customers.

Various age verification methods used

We offer more options than many other age verification software providers, giving your customer more choices.

Helping keep you fully compliant

Adhering to Know Your Customer (91èÏÈÉú) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations, this age verification solution helps you meet your compliance requirements.

Verification is fast and hassle-free

Our software makes the age verification online process as speedy as possible for the user, improving customer experience and allowing for more successful conversions.

Identity Data Verification

Fast and secure age certainty

With access to a selection of comprehensive global data sources, our fully integrated & customisable software allows you to verify age quickly and securely. This ensures only good customers are onboarded and compliance regulators are satisfied.

Identity data verification solution | 91èÏÈÉú

Identity Document Verification

Tech first document authentication

Using FaceMatch technology, active and passive liveness checks, Smart Capture technology and human forensic document experts, our digital age verification solution can validate over 4,000 different forms of identification documentation online or in person.

91èÏÈÉú (Know Your Customer)

Safeguard minors and prevent fake identities

Aside from safeguarding children from unsuitable content and age-restricted products, tackle the growing problem of identity fraud head on. Our age verification software identifies fraudsters at the point of onboarding, not only safeguarding minors but also preventing the successful use of fake identities, ensuring you ‘Know Your Customer’ on the other side of the screen.

91èÏÈÉú Know Your Customer 91èÏÈÉú
Anti Money Laundering software | 91èÏÈÉú

Anti-Money Laundering

Secure and versatile technology

AML compliant age verification software to protect both you and your customers.

Get in touch

Find out more about how your business could benefit from our identity verification service.